Review- Fracture

Title: Fracture
Author: Megan Miranda
Rating: 4 stars

Eleven minutes passed before Delaney Maxwell was pulled from the icy waters of a Maine lake by her best friend Decker Phillips. By then her heart had stopped beating. Her brain had stopped working. She was dead. And yet she somehow defied medical precedent to come back seemingly fine
-despite the scans that showed significant brain damage. Everyone wants Delaney to be all right, but she knows she’s far from normal. Pulled by strange sensations she can’t control or explain, Delaney finds herself drawn to the dying. Is her altered brain now predicting death, or causing it?

Then Delaney meets Troy Varga, who recently emerged from a coma with similar abilities. At first she’s reassured to find someone who understands the strangeness of her new existence, but Delaney soon discovers that Troy’s motives aren’t quite what she thought. Is their gift a miracle, a freak of nature-or something much more frightening?
For fans of best sellers like Before I Fall and If I Stay, this is a fascinating and heart-rending story about love and friendship and the fine line between life and death.
So, I don’t even know how to start with this book! I had been seeing reviews for it everywhere and finally decided to read it, and MAN am I glad!

The story is of Delaney, who fell through the ice in a lake up in Maine, and died for eleven minutes, was revived, and against all odds is NOT brain dead.
I mean, her brain IS damaged according to the doctors, but she is ok. She doesn’t suffer from any debilitating conditions from the brain damage. EXCEPT… she is pulled (literally) to death, to people as they are about to die.
Plot: This story was unlike anything I have read before, and that’s saying a lot! I was constantly interested, from the VERY first lines I was into the story. The pace is fast. But the “twist” was expected and predictable. I really liked it, though I wish there was a little more after the end. I felt like the end just… came too abruptly.
Characters: Delaney was SOO believable. They way the author writes her character, from a normal teenager, to a girl who dies and come back damaged, to the way it affected her friends and family-which in turn affected her. Everything was so real. I felt like I knew Delaney and cared for her.
And Decker, oh man. Sometimes I fell like my mantra for real life is played out in books. Boys are DUMB! UGH. Anyways, I loved Decker. What a great best friend, who stood by her, and fell apart when she died/didn’t die. He was there for her, caring for her.
Troy was… well complicated and confused. Which was perfect for his character. I don’t want to give too much away, but if any person lived through what he did, they would come out VERY damaged. So it makes sense that he was that way. He was a sad character.
Romance: this was the only reason I couldn’t give the book 5 stars. So much of the story revolved around Decker and Delaney’s friendship, and it was obvious to the reader that they both cared more about each other than just friendship, but it took forever for the romance to actually happen. I wanted more of that. If my best friend was a boy that had been my friend since I was five, and I grew up with him, and I cared more for him than any other person, and then I died… I think I would try a little harder to be with him like I wanted… I don’t know. Romance is important for me in a book.
Overall, this was an AWESOME read that I read in just a few hours! I couldn’t put it down, and was very glad I decided to read it!
I recommend to everyone! J


  1. This book sounds right up my alley! Thanks for bringing it up to my attention. I just got it from amazon and can't wait to read it. Yay!


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