Interview with a Blogger- Ariel Avalon

This will be my first (hopefully a LOT more to come) interview with a fellow blogger! Keepin Up with the Joneses would like to welcome Ariel Avalon from her self titled blog!

1. Tell me a little about yourself.

 I am a Navy housewife in my late 20s from the heart of Texas, currently living in Virginia. I spend my days cooking, cleaning, reading, writing, and playing with my pets.

2. What made you decide to start blogging?

 I've recently begun writing my first novel and knew that having a blog would be something I would need in the event I ever get brave enough to try to have it published upon it's completion. I am a private person, and as such very uncomfortable with putting myself out there. I decided that blogging would help open me up so that it won't be a huge shock to me if I do end up getting published and needing to blog for my fans.

3. What is your blog about?

 My blog follows me as I go through the steps of planning out and writing my novel with thoughts and tidbits about the publishing world in general. I also do book reviews of books that I read with series features on Saturdays. Eventually I will probably do author spotlights as well.

4. What are your favorite books to read?

I love anything by Jane Austen, but Pride and Prejudice is by far my favorite book. I am a huge fan of the works of Edgar Allen Poe. Anything by Kelly Creagh, Chelsea Fine, Jennifer L. Armentrout, C. C. Hunter, or Jennifer Estep is gold. Like most people I love Harry Potter, but I dislike the Twilight series. I pretty much focus on young adult fantasy books. I also like murder-mysteries and "who dun it" books like the Cluedo series. I typically avoid smut and dystopian novels.

5. What are the books that you are writing about?

 I am currently working on three books because I am completely ADHD.
My first novel is currently Untitled and is about a boy tagged by death who agrees into changing fates with the girl he loves in effort to save her life.
My second is a currently titled Under the Reef and is a mermaid tale. I am presently polishing up the outline and so the plot has been changing quite a bit the past week or so.
My third novel I just begun earlier this week and I want to keep it a bit secret because I am super excited about it. Its working title is The Lost, which is a totally false title just to keep it secret. It will be a trilogy and I am super excited to begin it.

6. Did you always know you wanted to be a writer?

Not at all. I always wanted to be a housewife, which no one seemed to understand by it was my dream. Of course, parents and teachers force you to think of a "real job" so I had to find something I would like. Growing up I wanted to be an animator for Disney. I loved to draw and was getting pretty good at it. Otherwise I had hoped to be a librarian. When I was seven I got the idea to write a novel. My favorite babysitter wrote short stories and was often getting them published in magazines and I thought it would be so cool to write a real book. Everyone told me it wasn't possible, but I started writing a novel when I was ten in secret. A few years later, a flood took our home and I lost what I had written by that point. The thought always stayed in the back of my mind, wishing I could see past the negativity of those around me and just write my novel like I wanted. So, while I didn't always want to be a writer, I knew it fairly early on.

7. What is your biggest dream?

 I don't like to place my dreams above one another. It makes them seem less possible. My favorite would be to see all of the Disney Theme parks. I'm such a Disney fangirl and have wanted to visit every park as long as I could remember. I've been to Disneyland once and Disneyworld eleven times.

8. Favorite quote of all time? Why ?

"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them."  - Walt Disney

9.  Anything extra you might want to mention…?

I love meeting new people and discovering new blogs to read, so don't hesitate to post a link to yours in the comments of my blog.


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