Feature Friday #10

This week's Feature and follow by Parajunkee and Alison can Read features Books Are My Reality
and Concise Book Reviews.  Be sure you follow all four of them, and read their answers as well - it's always great to learn fun things about our fellow bloggers! If you are a new follower, please let me know so I can follow you back.

The question of the week :

Q. Summer Reading. What was your favorite book that you were REQUIRED to read when you were in school?

A. I was always reading NON required books, SO... I dont remember most of them. I remember To Kill a Mockingbird, but our teachers let us watch half of the movie too... so I mostly remember the movie.
The only book that I remember was 1984- which I know is going to be a lot of peoples picks. But that book REALLY scared the crap out of me and made me think.
I will never forget that book.

What about you?
Comment below and let me know if you are a new follower so I can follow you back! :)
If you know how to make a link (like say... my FF and make it link back to your post) on comments, let me know please!! I still dont know how to do that! :(


  1. I've never read that book. Thanks for stopping by by my FF. Following back!

    Go here to see how to do the link thing. It's under "HTML Link Syntax"

  2. i never read 1984. I love TKAM tho. the book and the movie.

    trish - my ff

  3. Great choice. I forgot about that one.

  4. I don't think I ever had "required" reading during the summer.

    I did always enjoy "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing."

    Thanks for following us. New Follower.


  5. I never had required summer reading either. I think my favorite book I read in school would have be Frankenstein.

    Beth ^_^

  6. I plan on reading To Kill a Mockingbird and 1984, too. Someday. LOL. Thanks for stopping bY!

  7. This is actually the first time I have come across 1984 today. TKAM, however is on LOTS of lists.

    Thanks for stopping by My FF

    New Follower

  8. Great picks! :-) Thanks for stopping by!

    Old follower.

    Ensconced in YA

  9. I haven't heard of any of these but they both look great! :)

    Thanks for stopping by! Old follower here.

  10. I've haven't read either, but I had different required books than most :)

    Thanks for stopping by and for the follow, I'm following back!

  11. Great choices! I was also reading many NON required books, but I had a few that stood out.

    I follow you on twitter- @AGreatBook
    Do you have GFC?

    Check out my post here!

    1. Yup I do... right here on the right.
      Ill follow you on Twitter back.

  12. To Kill a Mockingbird seems to be everyone favorites, including mine! Old follower.

    My FF:

  13. I didn't get to read these books but I have heard of them.

    New follower.

  14. TKAM is a total given. I haven't read 1984 yet and really want to because I know people really love it. Thanks for sharing and visiting My FF
    Michael @ The Bookshelf Review

  15. To Kill A Mockingbird is a very popular answer this evening!

    My follow friday! Please visit!

  16. Great picks! 1984 is really unsettling.

    Thanks for stopping by!
    Following back :)

  17. TKAM seems to be on everyone's list! I never read 1984, but I've heard it's quite good!
    Thanks for stopping by :)
    have a good weekend!

  18. We've read pieces of 1984, I just thought it was creepy, lol. Thanks for stopping by and following.I'm now following back.

  19. The main reason why I didn't like required reading so much was because I would rather be reading my own books. Stuff I want to read not stuff I have been told to read. To Kill a Mockingbird seems to be a popular one but was not required at my school.

    Thanks for the follow. Following you back! :)

  20. Hey, thanks for following and droppin by my FF!
    Now following yours. :)

    Michelle from Michelle Shouts Random

  21. I've never read 1984, but I've heard it is creepy. Maybe I'll read it someday! Thanks for visiting! Old follower.

  22. Hi,

    Hopping on through from the feature and follow!
    New Buddy, Please…. Cyber stalk me back@ http://dawnandwinniebookreviews.blogspot.com
OH! My Summer Read was…Things Fall Apart By Chinua Achebe (Author) it was interesting ☺


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