Feature Follow #9

Q. Christmas in July! Someone gives you a gift card for two books (whatever that costs). What two books will you buy?

A. Oh man... There are SO many books that I want to read that I havent yet because I would spend WAY too much money on them. BUT usually thats because they are series, not just stand alone books.
i would have to say the

1. Iron Fey Series

and 2. the Hush, Hush books


Both of these Series have been recommended to me time and again, but I just can bring myself to spend $40-$60  on each series!!! :(

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  1. The Iron Fey series is totally worth the money. Just saying.

    1. I know... But I dont have the money :(

      Why cant I just NOT EAT and READ instead??

      Just kidding

  2. Well, you could just buy the first volumes. LOL. And see how you like them. :)

    1. But see, If I buy the first ones, than I will not be able to stop myself from buying the rest in the series because I already know that I will like them! :(

  3. I NEED The Iron Fey series! I love Kagawa (after only reading Immortal Rules) and really want these books now!

    Thanks so much for stopping by and following! I've returned the favour through GFC! :D

  4. I haven't read any books from these series! I'm more of a stand alone book reader, but those series look darn cool.

    1. Oh, I am definietly more of a series person!

      I love it when the story is so long it takes several books to finish!

      Oftentimes with stand alone books I dont want the story to end. :(

      Thanks for stopping by

  5. I've heard lots of praise about both of these series, I might check them out some time.

    Thanks for stopping by and following, I'm following back! :)

  6. I haven't read these yet. I've checked out the first book in the Iron Fey series from the library, but I never got around to reading it.

  7. These are GREAT choices!!! Thanks for stopping by!!

  8. Those two series just happen to be 2 of my favorite YA series. Thanks for stopping by my FF. Following back.

  9. Two series I haven't read yet but hope too soon,

    Thanks for stopping by my blog
    Happy Friday

    New Linky follower

  10. Yes!! I want to read both of these series too!! My problem is more the time than anything. I have soooo many books waiting on my shelf to be read and reviewed, I sometimes feel like I don't ever get to read what I want to read! I definitely plan to read these series... eventually! ;)

    Thanks for stopping by my FF & TGIF!
    Lisa @ Lost in Literature

    Old follower :)

    1. I SO understand!!
      It seems like there is NEVER enough time to read everything you want! haha

      Thanks for stopping by

  11. OH YES! Iron Fey series is top on my list, but since I don't have any in the series and we had only 2 choices, I thought it wouldn't work. So yes great choice!
    New Follower :D

  12. Ooh nice! I LOOOOVED The Iron Fey Chronicles!! Super awesome! Looking forward to the spinoff series and the one that contains the short stories/novellas too!

    And I myself enjoy the Hush, Hush series too. I can't wait to see how it all ends!

    Here's my Friday Hops

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  13. I need to buy the entire Iron Fey series, too! I borrowed the first book from the library, and when I finished it, I knew that I had to own all of them. Great pick!

    Old follower. :)

  14. I know what you mean-- I would buy all of these books if I had the money and then I'd have to build a library to have a place to put all of them in!

    Thanks for stopping by! Old follower.

    Ensconced in YA

  15. I really enjoyed both of these series. I read them both from the library because I definitely know my reading habit exceeds my budget. Thanks for stopping by My FF and I'm following GFC and Linky.

  16. I never got into the Hush, Hush series, but the Iron Fey are some of my favorites. Love Ash, Meghan, and Puck! Thanks for visiting and I'm an old follower.

    Jennifer @ Feminist Fairy Tale Reviews


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