Feature Follow #8

Q: What drove you to start blogging in the first place?
A: Well... I started writing a book about 2 1/2 years ago, and when I finally finished (or what I thought meant finished) I thought... Ill have to have an audience. I am a HUGE fan of Amanda Hocking, SO I know a lot about what she has done to get where she is.

She self published because she couldnt get an agent to sign with her. On her blog, she explains that what REALLY set her books off was... BOOK BLOGGERS!

I had NO idea what a book blogger was... so I figured it out. Decided that 1- I LOVE to read and read all the time and 2- I want to sell me books eventually. SO, 1+2= start a blog! :)
AND now I LOVE IT!!!!

What about you?


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog! What a terrific story!

    New Follower via GFC.

    Ensconced in YA

  2. Nice answer, happy Friday!


  3. Love your answer! It's great to join the community and find so many book lovers!

    My FF

    Ning @ Reading by Kindle Fire

  4. Hi Theresa, I think that's an excellent reason :D **Looking forward to seeing your book one day** :D

  5. Awesome! I have quite a bit of Amanda's books to read! I've read one, but haven't had the chance to read the others I've bought yet!

    Thinking her way of publishing is the way to go! Maybe that could work for me too!

    Here's my Friday Hops

    I was a featured blogger!!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  6. Great story! I didn't know you wrote a book! I'm also ashamed to admit I still haven't read a Hocking book, though I really want to!!!

    Thanks for stopping by my FF & TGIF!

    Lisa @ Lost in Literature

  7. I've heard a lot about Amanda Hocking but I've only ever read one book from her and I didn't really know who she was. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Old follower :)

  8. Great answer! I haven't read any Amanda Hocking books, but I've heard a LOT of great things about them. :)
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  9. Great answer! It makes a lot of sense! hahah. I still need to read an Amanda Hocking book. I have a few of them on my to-read list still!

  10. Great answer this week and I totally agree :) I have read a bunch of Amanda Hockings books!!

    Have an awesome weekend and thanks for stopping by my blog!!


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