Review: Mayfair Moon

The Mayfair Moon

Title: Mayfair Moon

Author: J.A. Redmerski

After a nightmarish encounter with a werewolf, seventeen-year-old Adria Dawson loses her sister, but gains the love of a mysterious young man and his legendary family.
Strange and tragic things begin to happen in the small town of Hallowell, Maine: residents come down with an unexplainable ‘illness’ and some disappear. In the midst of everything, Isaac Mayfair is adamant about keeping Adria safe, even from her sister whom he has warned her to stay away from.
As unspeakable secrets unfold all around Adria, impossible choices become hers to bear. Ultimately, no matter what path she takes, her life and the lives of those she loves will be in peril. As she learns about the werewolf world she also learns why her place in it will change the destinies of many

So… Ive had this book for a while. I bought it when I saw it on a freebie list but didn’t read it. Then I saw it on a Goodreads giveaway, and still didn’t read it. Finally, when I had nothing else to really read, I started reading it, and Im so glad I did.

I was very pleasantly surprised by it.

I was skeptical at first. It was very Twilight-ish, with the weak human girl and the strong inhuman man (though werewolf, not vampire) and he was “too selfish” to leave her for her own good, though he kept saying he should. And there was a big bad somebody who wanted her… blah blah. It sounds dumb, but it was actually very good.

At first I was a little bored with it (like I said- super twilightish) and I saw a few grammatical errors (ie. His instead of he, and Sales instead of sells…etc) But then it started getting really good. And when I think about it, the action did start right away in the first chapter, but I guess I wasn’t didn’t care about the characters until later.

So… the story is that there are these 2 girls, sister, who were in the wrong place at the wrong time and see a werewolf. Then… one sister gets all weird and Adria (the MC) has to figure out how to deal with it. Then these crazy gorgeous guys are in the picture… and everything goes even more crazy because she finds out they are werewolves… shocker, right?

And one werewolf is AMAZING (Isaac) and he and Adria fall madly in love. The romance was cute, though a little too insta-love for me (which I hate), and SUPER twilight-ish, but I still liked it a lot.

At first, I really didn’t like Adria (and this will sound mean…) but mostly because of her mom. I see how some people could respect her for staying there and taking care of her idiot, drunk mother (who cares more for her drunken abusive husband than her daughters) but not me! I don’t favor people who enable those kinds of people.

BUT then Adria really impressed me. She was strong, and stood up for herself and her family, and most important, what she felt was RIGHT. I loved her relationship with the male BFF Harry! And even the annoying Zia (who consistently reminded me of Alice from Twilight).

The action and tension really built up toward the end, with a very steady, fast paced plot!
I don’t really like the issue with Trajan (Isaacs dad) , Viktor (the villain) and Aramei… but I get how it adds conflict and tension to the situation. I think the names were weird… (Trajan, Aramei, Zia, Dwarf… lol) but oh well.

Overall, it was WAY better than I thought, and I really am excited to read the next one in the series!!

Rating: 4 Stars


  1. Sometimes boring looking books surprise you. I love it when it happens.

    1. Yeah!! I really didnt think this would be anything special! But im glad I was wrong

  2. I haven't heard of this book before but it does sound interesting! I like the cover and the premise so I might add this book to my TBR pile!

    Awesome review, Theresa ♥

  3. I'm so happy you enjoyed the book! I really like this series but I agree with you about the twilight feel to it. I think you'll really enjoy the second book. Great review :)

    1. I didnt even know the second book was out already!!
      MAN- Thanks SO much for letting me know!
      Im gonna go buy it now!

  4. Sounds like an interesting story. Might be a while before I read it, though. My TBR list is almost as backlogged as my blog visits. :-D

  5. Well, I have never read stories that center around "werewolf" lore.
    Although I have read Twilight, and I liked it.
    But that's the problem, i compare every paranormal book I read to the Twilight

    Saga. I don't know why, it's involuntary.
    Anyways, this book really does look interesting and I would love to try something

    Added to my TBR
    Your constant reader,


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