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Q: What writing device or trick most irritates you when reading a book? For example, if an author employs an omnipotent narrator that is sometimes considered bad form.

A. Im going for the same thing that Im sure Many are... Insta-Love. Its ridiculous. Also- Im getting SO tired of triangles. I want to know WHO the person is in love with... and I feel like it takes away from the "love" if the MC loves more than 1 person. Or cant choose.

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  1. I agree, love triangles can be annoying and the insta-love is usually ridiculous.

  2. Oh yes, insta-love with at least one person or more. It is very, very over-done and usually not done well! So I completely agree! Thanks for sharing and I hope you have a great weekend! I'm an old follower!
    Juli @ Universe in Words

  3. Oh so agree! I always find it hard to believe that a person can "love" two people. It's like really? You want to be a polygamist? And I know that's not what the author is trying to do, but like I said, I don't personally believe one person can feel so strongly over two people that they have to "choose".

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  4. Insta-love is so cliche! lol. I want to feel the connection between the characters. Maybe they can begin with a friendship...I mean that's more believable. :)

  5. Insta-love was part of my answer as well. Love triangles are so common that I didn't even think about it ;(

    Old follower, thanks for stopping by!

  6. Insta-love irks me as do most love triangles. If they-re written well you can understand why the MC is confused about who she has the real 'love' feelings for, but mostly they're just a pile of annoying-ness!

    Thanks for stopping by, new follower. :)

  7. Yes, I totally agree. And it seems like most people agree... These are very popular answers! We all appear to feel the same way about this stuff! :)

  8. Yes! I couldn't agree more, I brought these 2 points up in my post as well. A love triangle can be done well, but it's overdone and it does totally ruin the love the MC has for whoever he/she ends up choosing in the end. Anyways, thanks for sharing and for stopping by my FFF New follower via GFC & NB :)

    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows


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