Review and Giveaway- A Puppets Secret

Title : The Puppets Secret
Author: Alex Samms

A story of a middle-aged woman finding that reality and insanity border on a fine line.
A tale of romance that never was and the consequences one must pay for the choices one makes. What happens is unexpected and keeps you wanting more.

I received an ARC from the author for an honest review.
I must also mention that this is a very short story.
So… If you know anything about me and my choice of stories, its that I rarely enjoy short stories. I like  LONG novels, and if it’s a series, it’s a plus. The longer the story, the better.
This was very short. Took me about… ten minutes to read.
It was a little confusing at first, I couldn’t tell who was talking or not. There is very little dialogue, everything is internal monologue. The story starts out with an older woman who hates life, and then goes into why she hates it.
She explains herself, the best she can, about when and why her life fell apart.
She had a secret… one she kept quiet her whole life. And though she knew what was right and wrong, she felt as if on the brink of insanity… It was an interesting read, to say the least.
So… really I have no sympathy for anyone in her predicament (I don’t want to spoil anything). Though the writing was solid, I just didn’t feel any connection or sympathy for the Main character.
If you are in the mood for a quick, thought-provoking story, you should check this one out.
Rating: 3 Stars

Enter below to win this paperback ARC.
(This is ONLY for the US. sorry...)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank for stopping by my site and becoming a new follower. i just tweeted about this giveaway, hopefully you'll pick some entires up now.

    Yara @

  2. I wonder what her 'predicament' was... too bad you couldn't really get into it. Nice review! Thanks for stopping by. ;)

  3. I agree. I really don't usually like short stories, although there are exceptions (Stephen King comes to mind.) Thanks for visiting. I'm a new follower.

  4. I've never heard of The Puppets Secret before but it sounds interesting. Even though I haven't read many short stories, I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed this one!

    Awesome review, Theresa ♥


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