My Weekend...

So… This weekend was Super busy.
Saturday we went to my nieces birthday party, which was super cool. We went to this place where you paint Bisque (like Clay) and then they fire it and glaze it to make it shiny pretty pottery, painted by you!
Super cool idea, and I plan on taking my daughter there to make/paint Christmas gifts for the grandparents!!
Then my daughter had a dentist appointment and they want to pull out one of her back molars because of an infection in the gums. So sad!!
But THEN I went to a photo shoot so that my buddy friend/photographer could take pictures of a gorgeous lady for the cover of my debut novel, POWER.
This is SO exciting! I know ive talked about how to make an ebook cover before… but really, I don’t know how long it will take! We did the photos, and I just barely glanced through them while there (some of them are UH-MAZING!!!) but then they have to be edited, and then the font needs to go on. I need to figure out what to put on the back, and the spine and everything.
So… Im super excited!!
Im hoping to be able to release POWER on November 15th! That’s the plan anyways. If you want to be a part of a book tour (I already have a list of a few bloggy friends for this) but just let me know!!! You can email me at theresamcrocker(at)gmail[dot]com. (Yes… my email is still Crocker- my maiden name. That will be changing soon though)
I would LOVE for YOU to be a part of a book tour to help get the word out about the release of POWER. So email me!

Cover reveal to come soon!


  1. Thanks for stopping by. I think I would love to read Power. It seems interesting.

    1. Great, thanks!!!
      Ill add you to the list and keep you updated!

  2. You better have me on that list missie.

  3. Oooo!! I'm excited! The 15th is so close! I can't wait to see the finished product.

    I've been following your updates on your publishing adventures and admire you for taking the self-pubbing route. Hopefully I'll be doing my own self-pub adventures soon, I'm still in the writing stage.

  4. That's awesome Theresa, Congrats and Good Luck. I look forward to an awesome cover reveal :D


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