Feature Follow #6

FF is hosted by Alison Can Read and Parajunkee and, well, you know the rules. Answer the question, follow people, link them back to this post so they can follow you, etc.

Today's Question:

Q: If you could "unread" a book, which one would it be? Is it because you want to start over and experience it again for the first time? Or because it was THAT bad?

 Indebted by Amy Bartol, the 3rd book of the Premonition Series.  I had been SO excited to read it (because the first 2 books were so good I just couldnt wait) that I read it so fast, and then it was done. The fourth book is in the works, but I just wish that I had taken my time and read it slower, so that I could enjoy it better.

Now, leave me a comment, and let me know if you are a new follower so I can follow you back! :)


  1. Sometimes I wish I read slower as well, just to extend the pleasure, so to say! ! love the 'Indebted' cover, such a good idea! Thanks for stopping by and I'm an old follower!
    Juli @ Universe in Words

  2. Thanks so much for stopping by, hon - old GFC follower, but a new Linky follower. Great answer - I hadn't thought of unreading a book to help lighten the anticipation for the next one!

    Sally @ Bending the Bookshelf

  3. Oh, do I know that feeling!! To slow down and enjoy... LOL. thanks for stopping by!! I'm following back.

  4. Hey thanks for stopping by! Following back.

    Amber @ Fall Into Books

  5. I haven't even heard of this series before but I'm going to go check it out on goodreads too! If it's good I'll try to take my time with them so the forth book will be released by the time I'm done (: haha.

    - Kim
    My FF

  6. I've never heard of this series before... but you've definitely got me intrigued! I'll definitely have to check this one out! :)

    Thanks for stopping by! Happy Reading! :)

    Lisa @ Lost in Literature

  7. I've never heard of this series, but I'll definitely check it out. Thanks for visiting and I'm an old follower.

    Jennifer @ Feminist Fairy Tale Reviews


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