Review- Sterling

Title: Sterling (Book 1 of the Mageri  Series)
Author: Dannika Dark

Rating: 4 Stars

Summary:(from Amazon) Zoë Merrick lived a less than ordinary life, until late one night when she was brutally attacked and left for dead.
A man named Adam spotted her running down the road covered in blood, and took her under his wing. Zoë didn't just survive that night - she underwent a physical transformation and acquired strange new abilities. Severed from her old life, her frustration grows as she tries to comprehend what's happening to her.
Serendipity leads her to Justus. He's handsome, arrogant, and not entirely human. Zoë learns the truth about what she is, and just how dangerous their world is for a young Mage. The only way she will understand her power is by putting her trust in this man, and accepting the protection he offers.
When her immortal freedom is threatened by the one man who has a right to claim her, Zoë learns the price of freedom...and the value of loyalty.

This book starts off with Zoe being attacked and killed, then coming back to life looking and feeling different. She meets a man, who takes her in and helps her as she comes to reality with her new life. She ends up running into another Mage, who explains to her what she is and what her world will be like now. It isn’t until her creator, the monster who took her life and changed in, comes forward to claim her that the real action starts. He presents her to the Council, changing her name to Silver, and is given back to her maker, since it is his right as her maker to own her. After she is beaten, someone must stand up and fight for her, to challenge her maker, for her freedom.
This book is filled with sarcasm and humor, action, romance and fun. It contains the perfect recipe for a great book. This book didn’t have the regular old love triangle (thankfully) but instead had 3 men who all would have been perfect for her. Adam, the human, is dependable and honorable, and would give up anything just to do the right thing. Justus, her Ghaurdian, the man who took her under his wing to train her the ways of the Mage world, is just as honorable and good. And Simon, who shared a common mistreatment by his own maker, can sympathize with her situation. All three men are good for her and help her, asking nothing in return. As for the heroine, Zoe/Silver, she is strong, funny, and accepts her new life with grace.
The author did an extraordinary job showing the growth and progression of each character in this book.

The only negatives I can think of are a very few grammatical errors, and word use. As the Ghaurdian trains her, she is called a “Learner” until she is mature enough to be a Mage of her own right. And the author is constantly saying things like, “I must learn you,” or “You will be learned” I understand she is a “learner” but that just got on my nerves.
This is a must read!!


  1. Never heard of this one! Sounds really good and a love square! Three great men after her?! Oh my how will she choose. I love books where people come back to life. Sounds exciting!

  2. Love your review! And I, too, love this book :) Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday:)
    Have a beautiful day!


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