Review- Awry

Title: Awry- Archers of Avalon Book 2

Author: Chelsea Fine

Rating: 5 stars

Summary from Amazon:
Three curses. Two brothers. One love triangle.
Sometimes love is meant to be. But is the death of you.

Seventeen-year-old Scarlet has just died. Only, dying isn't unusual for a girl under a centuries old curse that left her semi-immortal.

This time, though, she comes back to her current life instead of awaking in a new one, and she realizes her curse is changing. With the help of the immortal Archer brothers, Scarlet tries to piece together her life and break the curse before her impending death comes again.

Awry starts off right where Anew ends. You are immediately thrust back into Scarlet’s life as she tried to understand what is going on, tries to remember her past, and figure out how to end the curse.
All the characters from Anew come back in full force, including some of the minor characters like Heather, Nate and Laura. Every single character has enough depth to them, that even though they are only supporting characters, they really do bring life to the book. The plot was well paced, and perfectly executed!
I loved how the author intertwines the memories/flashbacks of both Archer brothers and Scarlet, so that we are finally able to understand who Scarlet is, and what her relationship is with both of the boys.  It makes this story so much more than the normal love triangle! Scarlet has every right to love both brothers and they have both earned a spot in her heart. I am a big fan of the Vampire diaries, but one thing I hated, is how both brothers could love the same girl… they are constantly fighting each other for her. In this story though, neither brother intentionally came to steal the girl away, they both fell in love with her on their own time! I wont spoil it for anyone, but this love story is AMAZING!
Thankfully, the cliffhanger wasn’t as bad. In Anew, the author left us wondering if the main character would even survive. But in this ending, although she left us still slightly worried, she left us more intrigued and excited to support the new hardcore Scarlet, and follow her into battle!!
As soon as I started reading this book, I couldn’t put it down! And now I’m sad, because I have finished it and must wait so long for the next!
Chelsea Fine- GREAT JOB! I don’t think there is anything that I can criticize about this book!!


  1. Great review! I've never read this series but it sounds really good. I'll have to check out the first book first though haha.


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