Review- Sleepers

Title: Sleepers (The Swarm Book 1)
Author: Megg Jensen
Rating: 4.5

An adoptee raised in a foreign land, sixteen-year-old Lianne was content with her life as handmaiden to the queen, until a spell cast on her at birth activated. Now she's filled with uncontrollable rage and access to magic she thought had been bled from her people years ago. Even her years of secret training in elite hand-to-hand combat and meditation can't calm the fires raging inside her.

Her heart is torn between two boys, the one she's always loved and the one who always ignored her. But when the kingdom threatens to tear itself apart due to rumors surrounding the queen's alleged affair, who will Lianne protect and who will she destroy?
This book starts right into the action. There is never any downtime. From the moment I opened the book, until the end, I couldn’t put it down. There is action, romance, Twists and turns, and everything you want in a novel. The writing was very visual and gripping. I felt like I was experiencing it with the characters.
Plot: The plot was unique and set in a fantasy world where magic was reality, though it felt like the past. When I started reading it, I didn’t really know what the book was about. But you meet Lianne, who is an adoptee- a foreigner child raised by an adoptive family.
 A Dalagan in a land of Fithians. The Dalagans have magic, while the Fithians do not. You go with her as she falls in love, is betrayed, learns her history and the history of her people, and then is betrayed some more. You don’t even know who to trust, and things happen you cannot believe. I almost cried in certain spots. The plit was PERFECT. Always making you want to know more, and always satisfying you.
Characters: Each character had depth and felt real. Though, there were a few characters that I would have liked to know more about, like Aric. But for the most part, all your questions are answered. Even questions about characters you didn’t know to ask! You continued to learn more about each one as the book went on.
Romance: This was a very clean book. But you were able to see the romance blossom as Lianne learned more about her life long friends, Breydon and Kellan.  As you keep learning more about each of the boys, you keep switching between who you want her to be with. There was also a romance between Mags, the young queen and another man (I wont spoil it though) which I wish I could have seen more of.
Action: this book had quite a lot of action. From Lianne learning to fight and sparring with Kellan, to learning about magic, to the climax.  
Overall, I loved this book. I have nothing negative to say. I got this book free, and I wasn’t really expecting much, but I was so wrong. This is a great story, with great writing, characters and plot.


  1. I'm glad the romance is slow, but overall, I'm sick of love triangles. I want more straight forward relationships in my books. Glad you enjoyed it though!


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