Feature Follow #5

TGIF! Feature & Follow is a weekly tradition hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. Rules of the game: Follow our lovely hosts, Follow their feature, and Follow other bloggers. Gain followers and meet other bookies/new friends that are as obsessed as you are...or I am.. whatever.. :)

Q: Happy Father's Day! Who is your favorite dad character in a book and why?

So the only thing I could think of (that hasn’t already been done) is on that movie Storm of the Century by Steven King. Techinically it wasn’t a novel that was turned into a movie, but a screenplay only. However, it says “A novel made for TV.”

This movie used to thouroughly scare the crap out of me…
But the father (played by Tim Dalley) was the only one who wasn’t willing to give up his child for the greater good. Every other parent was willing to give the monster their child… but he wasn’t.
And despite how freaky the movie was, this fathers love stuck with me all these many years!!

Remember to leave a comment and Ill come follow you back!!


  1. Nice pick!! Yeah, seeing lots of repeats today, but it's still a good thing!

    Here's my Friday Hops

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  2. I've actually never read any of Steven Kings books or seen any of the movie adaptions for them. Thanks for following, I'm now following back :)

    World of Books

    1. Thanks for following back!
      and OH MY! How can you have NEVER seen any Steven King movies?
      If you EVER want to get scared at ALL, read one of his books (his books can be vulgar-just FYI) or watch one of his movies!


  3. That sounds like a great pick. Thx for the visit. Old Follower.

  4. Great pick!! I haven't read this book but it sounds interesting :)

    Happy reading and thanks for stopping by!!

  5. Yay! I"m finally following you Mrs. Jones!!! :))

    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier!

    Vanya D. @ YA Story Teller


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