Layoffs SUCK!

Easiest round of layoffs ever
So… something very sad an unfortunate happened yesterday.

The company I work for just layed off 220 people, which is HUGE because I live in a small town. Many of my close friend and neighbors were laid off.  So many people have been affected.
Layoff definition from wikipedia.
Layoff (in British[1] and American English), also called redundancy in the UK, is the temporary suspension or permanent termination of employment of an employee or (more commonly) a group of employees for business reasons, such as when certain positions are no longer necessary or when a business slow-down occurs. Originally the term layoff referred exclusively to a temporary interruption in work, as when factory work cyclically falls off. The term however nowadays usually means the permanent elimination of a position, requiring the addition of "temporary" to specify the original meaning
Quote from the News:
“Tim Zipp, the company’s senior vice president, said Tuesday the eliminated jobs are part of a restructuring of the company necessary to address changes in the way Medicare pays for the scooters and wheelchairs the firm sells.”
“The cuts represent approximately 10 percent of The Scooter Store's workforce, which now numbers about 2,100. About 1,400 currently work at its headquarters, company spokesman Tim Zipp said.”
 Thankfully, both my husband and I were lucky and blessed enough to be spared, but I still feel terrible for the hundreds affected.
 Since this has been the only thing on my mind, I havent been reading or even writing! I am still sickened by this and have basically NO job security!!
 I will continue to pray for all of you affected by this unfortunate event!
What to do after being laid off

Good news for the aspiring author


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