Beautiful Blogger Award

I've been nominated for the Beautiful Blogger Award by Erika Anderson! Thanks for nominating me!  I'm honored to accept this award. I've been following Erika on her blog and I know her from Goodreads. She is young, and very nice. Her blog is still VERY new, so everyone should go over there and check her out at Living for the Books!
  1. Write a little something about the Beautiful Blogger who nominated you with the award. See above. Don't forget to visit her blog!
  2.  Share 7 things about yourself.
So here's 7 things about me that you probably didn't know:
  1. I wish I had more time to read!! 
  2. I'm currently writing several books, and hope to have the first Book out before the end of this year!
  3. I'm a Mom and my children are my life.
  4. I love where I live, but wish it was fall/winter more often! The heat SUCKS! 
  5. I have written all of my books while at work! Shhh dont tell my boss. haha.
  6. I Love to eat and am not picky at all! Which sucks... because I eat way too much.
  7. I love blogging and wish I would have started YEARS ago!!
Here's the 7 blogs that I'm nominating:
1. Ariel Avalon
2. Sweet Books N Things
3. World of Books
4. Blog of a Bookaholic
5. Ebony Black Lines
6. Rally the Readers
7. #BookNerd

All of these blogs are amazing and I go to them regularly!!


  1. Hey, girl! You're on a roll! Keep the awards a-comin', you deserve them all. =)


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