Review:The Iron King

The Iron King (The Iron Fey, #1)

Title: The Iron Key (Iron Fey #1)
Author: Julie Kagawa

Meghan Chase has a secret destiny; one she could never have imagined.

Something has always felt slightly off in Meghan's life, ever since her father disappeared before her eyes when she was six. She has never quite fit in at school or at home.

When a dark stranger begins watching her from afar, and her prankster best friend becomes strangely protective of her, Meghan senses that everything she's known is about to change.

But she could never have guessed the truth - that she is the daughter of a mythical faery king and is a pawn in a deadly war. Now Meghan will learn just how far she'll go to save someone she cares about, to stop a mysterious evil no faery creature dare face; and to find love with a young prince who might rather see her dead than let her touch his icy heart.

SO… I finally started reading this series. I know EVERYONE else has already… a LONG time ago. But oh well. Here I am. Its better this way really, so I don’t have to wait for another book to come out, because they all already have! J
Anyways… This book was everything I expected it to be.
(other than Meghan’s age. The book started when she was 15, and I thought she would have been at least a year or more older.) But that’s ok.
Anyways, there was nonstop action, and even some romance- though I wasn’t totally feeling the Ash-Meghan romance. They met half way through the book, then fell in love at the end… but they didn’t even know each other at all. So… Maybe as the series progresses Ill see their romance as actual love.
The story follows Meghan as she turns 16 and then realizes she is actually a daughter of the Faery King and her brother is kidnapped. She sets out to save him- this is a part that bothered me too… the WHOLE book she says “Ill do it for Ethan. This is for Ethan.” BUT you don’t even feel the relationship between them. They have ONE interaction at the beginning of the book, that’s it. I would have liked to see some back story, maybe some memories or something.
Anyways, she goes to save him and find out about the IRON FEY. Which, even though I had heard TONS about the Iron Fey series, I never knew what it was really about. This was the BEST part of the book. Such an Awesome concept.
In the book, the fey are alive because of human’s belief and dreams of them. So- as humans had dreams of technology, the Iron Fey became. This is awesome because everyone knows Fearies are deathly allergic to Iron! SO- now there are IRON feairies and they are a danger to all the normal Fey.
SO- NOW I cannot wait to read the rest of the series!!! J

Overall, I really enjoyed the story, and it lived up to my expectations.
Rating: 4 stars!


  1. You weren't the only one who hasn't read this book. I finally borrowed it from the library so I need to start reading it. Great review!

    1. YAY! Well Im glad Im not the only one. haha
      But you should read it! Im about to start the 2nd one :)

  2. I read the title as "The Lion King" first. And then I started thinking about "The King of Iron Fist Tournament" popularized by the Tekken video game series. My mind has a strange way of associating unrelated elements.

    Aaaaaaaaaanyway, fairies. And a "Faery King" -- I certainly didn't see that one coming. I took a class a while back that -- in its discussions of Irish culture and mythology -- suggested that fairies could be shape-shifting trick-loving, human-screwing jerks; that's a far cry from characters like Tinkerbell. Any other interesting details about the fairies in this story?

    Well, that aside, a good review. And as long as I'm here, I should probably mention that I've seen your comments on my blog, and I thank you for them...but for some reason, I can only see them in my dashboard -- which is a problem because I WANT to reply, but can't. Soooo...yeah, if you were wondering why I haven't responded to them, that's why. I'll see if I can iron out the kinks over time.

    1. Well... I guess I didnt put much info about the actual Faeries in this review.
      I wrongly assumed most people already read this book... *blushes* oops.

      Anyways. The Fearies are crazy and there are SO many different kinds of Fey. goblins, gremlins, mermaids, Summer faeries and winter fearies, piskies, red hats, ogres, trolls, elves... etc. And most of them are crazy mean and scary. Some like to eat the others. Most are pretty cruel and like to torture. And 99% of them care NOTHING about humans.
      SO... yeah.

      Anyways... for some reason I cannot comment on your posts on my computer at work. Only at home... but I rarely have time to get on the computer at home, so I can only comment on your post from my phone.
      Maybe thats why you cant see them. :(
      I dont know

    2. Wow, that's quite a stable of creatures. Also, I read "piskies" as "pickles" at first glance. I blame genetics; my mom's a confessed burger lover, you see.

      Anyway, don't sweat the comments issue. What's important is that I know you've said something -- and even if I can't directly talk back, it's the thought that counts. So I'll just go ahead and say "thanks for visiting" and let that do it. And of course, I'll be sure to keep dropping by here every now and then.

  3. Great review! I thought that the concept of the Iron Fey was very unique, too; it was also one of my favorite aspects of the book. I still have to catch up with the rest of the books. I'd love to buy the whole series all at once.

    1. Well... I just borrowed them from the Library, just waited to read them until I had all of them (except the last one)
      I might haveto buy that one... for some reason the library doesnt have it

  4. I'm so glad you enjoyed this one! I had similar feelings about the Ash/Meghan romance at the beginning, but the later books help with that development and they have become one of my favorite YA couples. Great review!

    1. Well, Im reading the second one now... and I kinda keep switching between loving Ash and hatinghim.
      BUT Puck is awesome too!!

  5. Oooh I still really want to read this story. Nope. I haven't read it either. :-D

  6. I enjoyed this series. They are a fun read. And now theres a spin off too. I cant wait to read it!!

    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace
    New Follower :)


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