Which Kindle is best?

So... if you follow me on Twitter, than you know that my Kindle recntly broke... 
*Cries uncontrollably*

I know, I know... its very sad! Anyways, now I have to buy a new one. BUT there isnt just one kindle anymore... and how do you know which kindle is best??
Well here you go:

Amazon Kindle Fire

The Kindle Tablet

The Amazon Kindle Fire is Amazon's competition to the Apple iPad

The Amazon Kindle Fire has a color touch screen which means you can now watch movies and view pictures on your Kindle device. Also, it is wonderful for children who still read picture books as the pictures are now in color.

If you have an Amazon Prime account then you can also watch over 10,000 movies and tvshows that Amazon has available for streaming on their website. 

The other thing I like about the Kindle Fire is that you can now read magazines that are in color. The Amazon website has offered Kindle magazines in the past, however, their were not particularly fun to read on the black and white screen. If you are someone who wants to read lots of graphic rich magazines then this device is a good choice for you.

Kindle Keyboard and Kindle Keyboard 3G

ThAmazon Kindle Keyboard comes in a Wi-Fi only version as well as a 3G version. The only difference is that one can only connect to the internet when it is in a WiFi area while the other can use 3G to connect pretty much anywhere their is a 3G signal.

These devices are what many Amazon Kindle users are used to. If you own a Kindle 3, which is the only Kindle that I have owned, then you would basically own this Kindle. I d0n't see any difference and so far the Amazon people haven't mentioned any. So this is the one that I am leaning towards. 

For those who aren't familiar with the Kindle 3 I will explain a little more about it and what it has to offer. The Kindle 3 or Kindle Keyboard as it is now known, has an E-Ink display which means it is in black in white. It is an ereader which means its primary purpose is to allow you to read books, or even magazines.

E-Ink technology is wonderful because unlike a tablet screen, it won't give you the eye strain often caused by staring at a computer screen, which is the greatest benefits I think. Instead, reading on this Kindle is like reading an actual book. Your eyes won't start to hurt after a little while. This E-Ink technology means you don't have to worry about glare from the sun or from a light which is nice if you want to be able to read on your Kindle Keyboard in the park or anywhere else outdoors.

The Kindle Keyboard also of course has a keyboard which comes in handy if you want to make notes in your books. You can type out a not in a particular section of a book and these can easily be printed out on your computer. My keyboard has come in handy on my Kindle on many occasions.

The battery life on he Kindle Keyboard is of course going to be a lot better than the Kindle Fire because it doesn't have that battery hogging color screen. However, it all depends on what you are wanting in a Kindle device.

Kindle Touch and Kindle Touch 3G

Kindle with Touch Screen

The Kindle Touch comes with a Wi-Fi only and 3G model like the Kindle Keyboard. The Kindle Touch has a touch screen without a keyboard for those who would prefer to just swipe or touch the screen instead of using a keyboard below the screen.

You can use the touch screen to swipe pages in a book, take notes, and shop for a new book.

I don't see any other major differences besides the lack of keyboard which is replaced by the touch screen. Also, it does have a metallic silver body as opposed to the white or black of the Kindle Keyboard.

The Basic Kindle

The Amazon Kindle is the basic Kindle model without a lot of the extra bells and whistles. It doesn't have the keyboard or the touchscreen. Instead, you use a small 5-way controller at the bottom of the device. It is also Wi-Fi only, however, it is their cheapest Kindle.
It also has a body that looks metallic silver. There are also two buttons on either side of the 5-way controller at the bottom. In all this is the most basic of the Kindle devices.

So... all that being said, I am leaning toward the Kindle Keyboard, as that is what I had before and am most comfortable with. However, I didnt get on the internet and I do have Wifi at my home, so I dont really need the 3G capabilities. AND I really dont even need the keyboard. I dont know if I would like the Touch screen, because I have heard that even though it is the same e-ink, there is somehow a glare, and I fear the glare. So... I might just even go with the basic Kindle. 
All in all, I just wish my Kindle 3 hadnt broken!! :(


  1. I use my iPhone for Kindle reading, even though it lacks 3G and might not survive until Christmas, which is the time I'm going to ask for a new phone.

    If I want a Kindle, I would either want a Fire (from a giveaway) or the Kindle Keyboard. Touch without 3G is fine.

    By the way, do you have a guest post policy?

    1. Yeah, I use the kindle app on my phone a lot too, but to read the ARCs I got, I need to have my kindle. So... I don't know.

      And no, I don't have a guest post policy.
      If you would like to post, that would be fine. it should pertain to books. Either reading or writing. And, obviously, should be appropriate. Let me know. You can email me at theresamcrocker(at)gmail[dot]com

  2. I had the original Kindle 2 which I upgraded to the Kindle 3. The K3 is now called the Kindle Keyboard. Same thing, just better battery life now thanks to the software upgrade.

    I am considering upgrading mine to the Touch 3G. I hardly use the 3G, but it does come in handy. I've bought just enough books on road trips and waiting for the internet guys to come out after a move that I can't live without it now. I mainly am thinking about upgrading because when I want to look up a word, having to scroll to it just, takes a while. Its not bad, but those are precious seconds and I already have horrible time management, so I need to preserve every extra second that I can.

    They have the Touch on display at Best Buy and Walmart. So you could always go there and lok at them to see what you like best. I won't get a fire because to me, it isn't any different than reading on a computer screen, which I already don't like to do.

    1. I rarely ever used the 3G... And I do have Wifi at home, so the 3g is not necessary...
      But, I dont know.
      I didnt know Walmart had them on display, so I think Im gonna go check it out.

  3. I can't recommend any of the Kindles because I use an Android tablet with the Kindle reader app. I love it because I'm also able to do things like manage my schedule, write, check email, write, browse the web, write, and do all other sorts of nifty things. The fact that I carry hundreds of books on it just a great big plus. :)

    1. See, Jeff, if I had a tablet, or the Fire, or anything like that, I would be tempted to do SO many other things than read.
      But I have SOO many books to read already.

  4. As nice as the Kindle Fire is, it kind of defeats the purpose for me. I got an e-reader because of the e-ink technology, and the ability to read electronically without glare or eyestrain.

    An all-in-one device is nice, but I suspect I would end up doing a lot less reading.

    1. My thoughts EXACTLY!!!!
      I love the E-ink technology of the Kindles, and I dont want to be tempted to do other things than read. :)

  5. I love my Kindle Keyboard and would't upgrade it even if I could! My reasons are 1) E-Ink, 2) Battery Life 3) No adds 4) Cool screen savers 5) Free 3G which although it has a crappy slow browser it still works in a pinch/when I'm traveling OS.


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