Feature Follow #15

The Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee of Parajunkee’s View and Alison of Alison Can Read. Each host will have their own Feature Blog and this way it’ll allow us to show off more new blogs!

Thank you for stopping by my blog! I will follow back, just leave your link in the comment box! Have an awesome Friday!

Q: Best cover? What is the best cover of a book that you've read and loved?
A. OH man... There are SOOOO many to choose from. But Ill just list a FEW of my favorites.

Dont forget to comment and let me know if you are a new follower so I can come follow you back :)

And Dont forget to enter my first giveaway if you havent already. Its still open, but not for much longer...


  1. Oh, the cover for POssess is breathtaking!!! thanks for stopping by!

  2. Such beautiful covers!! Looking forward to the Iron Fae series (reading them all next weekend!!!)
    Here's my FF.
    Old Follower

  3. Great choices! The Iron Fey covers are so beautiful, and of course I love the covers for all of Cassandra Clare's books.

    Our FF

  4. What a great selection you have there!! I agree with the Iron Fey series... they are one of my favorites too!

    I really appreciate the beauty in a book cover. I'm sure it must be very difficult for authors to get their "perfect cover" so I feel the need to comment on them when I can. :)

    Thanks for stopping by my FF & TGIF!
    Lisa @ Lost in Literature

  5. I pretty much agree with all of these - though I don't think I was as enthralled with Everneath as everyone else was!

    Great answer and happy Friday!

    My FF this week

  6. Definitely agree on the Iron Fey books! I loved those!

    Here's my Friday Hops

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  7. All these covers are great. I haven't read Everneath though.

    Thanks for stopping by!


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