Cover Look-a-Like #2

So... Im doing this because last night when I was half asleep nursing my son, I was browsing Goodreads and I noticed a cover that looks exactly like another cover.

Unfortunatly... I cant find that book now (did I fall asleep? Maybe... But Im pretty frustrated I cant find it now!!)

Anyways... even though I cant find THAT one... Here are some different books that look the same as the another.

(see my other post here)

TetheredThe Willows: HavenClearwater Journals

Rot & Ruin (Benny Imura, #1)Kissing Zombies (A Girl's Guide, #1-2)Handling the Undead


  1. I always love posts like these! It's so interesting to see what photoshop can do to a picture.

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. I see the Evermore girl a lot but most of these are new to me. I love seeing how different books change up the picture!
    Thanks for posting this! :)

  3. You know, I'm not surprised that indy books find themselves not able to secure an image just for their book, it can be very expensive, so completely understandable. Everyone wants unique cover art for his/her book but if you don't have an artist friend, you yourself are one, or you have the dough to pay for one, it simply isn't happening. Now, what truly surprised me was to see Jonathan Maberry among the bunch. C'mon, he's one of the most important writers of contemporary horror. I'd think he'd be able to secure cover art made for his book. What do you know?

    Very interesting post! Congrats on such a keen eye. I spend a lot of time in GR and had never caught these.

  4. Interesting! Similar covers present a problem for me as I am a very visual person, so all the books with almost the same covers kid of get mixed in my mind, especially if they are of the same genre.


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