Book Tour/Blog hop signups!

So, I realize its been a while since I have said anything about my books.
I will be publishing in Februaryand I will be putting together a blog hop/book tour soon.

A few of you wonderful bloggers have already agreed to help out with this, so Ill be emailing you soon with more details.

If you want to (or would be willing to because you are awesome) be a part of a blog hop/book tour/cover reveal, please let me know!!!
I plan on having the Book Tour during  February

Ive decided I will have a cover teaser until the cover is revealed. (soon)
and Ill be doing teasers from the book probably every Tuesday!

Drum roll please...
here is Allison (from POWER) in all her glory!!!

AND- here is the button (the button will link back to this post so that people will know about the blog hop)! Add it to your page!
AND- PLEASE email me ( if you want to be a part of this book tour to help get the word out for my book. Ill be sending e-copies for review, so let me know ahead of time so I can get you the copy in advance!

POWER, Book Tour

I havent scheduled ANYTHING yet... SO, I have ANY day available in January!
I want to have this going on for at least 2 weeks, the longer the better!!


  1. Grabbed the button and shared your news on FB! Good Luck!

  2. Hey, congrats on publishing in January! Cool pic of violet eyes, and what a NEAT font for Power, the book title. :) Best wishes for your book tour!

  3. You've got me. Let me know if you end up wanting me to change the date.

    1. Haha, funny you should mention that, because I think we may need to! :)

  4. Gotcha...and so looking forward to this! (Don't let me forget to grab the button! LOL)

  5. Emailed! I will put the button on my blog as soon as I am accepted. :)

  6. I would Love to be a part of your hop and tour


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