
So, I heard back from that agent already, the one that filled me with meaningless hope by asking for the first 5 pages of my book. And unfortunately, she has decided to reject me. She didn’t even offer any feedback or explanation. So very sad…
Ill let that hopeless feeling of worthlessness wash through me and then move on.
I will keep hope, because, after all, this is only my first round of agents. And I understand that even the famous authors were rejected many times before getting accepted.
That being said, it doesn’t really make the sting hurt any less.
Moving on to a lighter subject, I will keep blogging and trying to build up a following.
Hopefully, over time, this blog will help me to have an audience who will want to read my book when (and I say WHEN not IF) my book is published!
My idol right now is Amanda hocking, who couldn’t get published, so she self-published her AMAZING books, and now has since been published and has a movie deal in the making for her Trylle trilogy.
I’ll keep the dream alive!


  1. always stings, no matter what. Less so as you get used to it, but still--ouch! Hang in there and persevere. You are SO right; it's only your first round of agents. Rejection is definitely part of the game.

    You asked about critiques on my blog--info is on the sidebar but I realize a lot of people only read in Google Reader or whatev, so I should mention it in my posts once in a while! Send your first 250ish words to me at artzicarol [at] gmail [dot] com, pasted into the email. That's it! It's helpful also to know if you want it anonymous, if it's YA or MG, and if you want to list it with a title or genre (paranormal, fantasy, etc). Sorry for writing so much here but you don't have an email attached to your blog bio! :)

    1. Yes, Thanks so much! I will send you an email asap. I didnt realize that my email wasnt attached to my profile, so Ill be adding it soon.
      Also, Ill put it in the email as well, but so that you know, the book is a YA paranormal romance novel. It will be the first of a Trilogy. Thanks again,

  2. Sorry!! That's sad - she didn't even read the first 5 pages? Her loss!

    1. Yes, she did read the first pages, but decided it was a good fit for her. :(

  3. Awwwh :(( what was it about?
    Follow me?

  4. So...I was asking Mom if you're sending this to publishers who publish this type of literature or if you're just randomly selecting publishers.

    1. Well... You don't send to publishers, you send to agents. And the agents would send to publishers. But to answer the question, I'm sending to agents who have an interest in YA, fantasy, romance or paranormal romance, etc. So yes, in sending to agents who have an interest in the genre my book is in. :)


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