I'm writing!!!

It's been a while since I've written anything (well, except for FB and Twitter posts. lol)

August and September are the busiest times of the year for someone like me. Someone who works in a school district.
Outside of my writing life, I'm an IT tech.

Often do I look like this:


 I work on computers, laptops, projectors, ipads, etc, etc (the list goes on forever) I do work during the summer, so Im not quite as lucky as the teachers. (But I also don't have the responsibility of taking care of a ton of kids every day)

Anyway, when all the teachers come back, all at once I go from having ZERO workorders, to have a million and two. approximately.

Really, I am responsible for all the tech equipment for 5 schools. FIVE!
Thats a lot of equipment.

So, during the last two months, I've been stressing like no tomorrow.

And when I get home, and manager to somehow find some time to write, I have no motvation to. My creativity has been dulled and damaged by the stress that impairs me. My muse has been captured by my insomnia, and replaced with thoughts of how to work better, harder, faster, and get all my work done.

WELL- I am VERY happy to annouce that Im finally all caught up at work!

The begginning of the school year rush has officially subsided for me.

I still have work - but the stress is gone. (mostly)

And, though you may not be able to tell, by everything I wrote before this sentence, I actually love my job. I love what I do. I love being able to help teachers- who really are shaping our future generations. I love fixing stuff. I love helping.

(not to mention- my daughter goes to one of my 5 schools, so I get to see her way more often than i've ever been able to before)

I love what I do.

And now that Im not stressing with 150 teachers to help every day, all at once, I once again am seeking out my muse.

I call to her, begging her to come back and help me write.
and my creativity? I pulling it forth from the ashes. (not like a zombie. more like a phoenix.) lol

On my best writing day, I wrote almost 10,000 words.
Today, I wrote 1500.

I'm all like...

So...not the best ever.

BUT the day isnt over. And Im just so very happy that Im making myself write again, and that things have finally calmed down enough that I can.

First chapter of Enthralling Retribution (Empyrean Chronicles 3) is now written.
Only about 30-40 more to go. But hey. I can do it.

I really want to have the first draft done by November 2nd, when Enticing Violence (Empyrean 2) comes out.

We'll see.

Im writing!!!!!!


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