Blog Tour + Giveaway. Enchanted Revenge

Girls Hearts Books Is hosting a Blog Book tour for Enchanted Revenge (Empyrean Chronicles 1)

Enter the giveaway for a chance to win a $15 Amazon giftcard.
Giveaway runs from Sept 28- October 4

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Touring Now- 'Enchanted Revenge' by Theresa M. Jones Tour Schedule & Giveaway

Tour Schedule

September 28th-
The Avid Reader- Author Interview
Kelly P’s Blog- Author Spotlight

September 29th-
Teatime and Books- Author Spotlight
Roxy’s Reviews- Character Bio

September 30th-
Write Away Bliss- Author Interview

October 1st-
KJ Reads a Lot -Guest Post
-Character Bio

October 2nd-

October 3rd-
The Pleasure of Reading Today- Author Spotlight
Mythical Books- Character Bio

October 4th-
Mel and Lana Write- Guest Post
Diane’s Book Blog- Character Bio
One Last Page Book Blog-Review 


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