In the After

In the After (In the After, #1)Title: In the After
Author: Demetria Lunetta

They hear the most silent of footsteps.
They are faster than anything you've ever seen.
And They won't stop chasing you...until you are dead.

Amy is watching TV when it happens, when the world is attacked by Them. These vile creatures are rapidly devouring mankind. Most of the population is overtaken, but Amy manages to escape—and even rescue “Baby,” a toddler left behind in the chaos. Marooned in Amy’s house, the girls do everything they can to survive—and avoid Them at all costs.

After years of hiding, they are miraculously rescued and taken to New Hope, a colony of survivors living in a former government research compound. While at first the colony seems like a dream with plenty of food, safety, and shelter, New Hope slowly reveals that it is far from ideal. And Amy soon realizes that unless things change, she’ll lose Baby—and much more.

Rebellious, courageous, and tender, this unforgettable duo will have you on the edge of your seat as you tear through the pulse-pounding narrow escapes and horrifying twists of fate in this thrilling debut from author Demitria Lunetta.


I started reading this book because my 9 year old daughter wanted to read it.
While, there is no romance (normally a negative for me, haha. Thats a plus for her.) there are a few cuss words, and a couple of situations that may not be appropriate for 9 years olds. (As an example, there is one occurrence, between the main character- 14 at the time- and a much older man who attempts to rape her.)
I havent decided if its appropriate for my daughter yet.

BUT- just as an adult reading this. OR even for teenagers. This was an amazing book.

From the very first page, you dont want to stop reading. the chapters are very short, sometimes only one page, so it makes it very difficult to stop reading. (Just one more chapter becomes a never ending chant)

The relationship built between Amy (the main character) and Baby is beautiful and sweet.
The danger is never ending and grows throughout.

When New Hope comes... things change rapidly, and honestly, every single thing about that society is completely believable. The good and the bad.

There was this boy- Rice. Who seemed to genuinely care about Amy- and while by the end of the book- they are... Hold up. No spoilers.
Umm. No romance. But the possibility of it is there. He is kind of unbelievable. (Super genius to the max.)

Eventhough i did figure out the big twist about half way through the book, it didnt hinder me from wanting to keep reading.

And thankfully, when we picked this book up from the library, we got the second one too.
So please excuse me while i start reading that one.

Rating: 5 Stars 


  1. Lunetta's writing was what most impressed me about this book. I liked the transition between the Before and the After. So happy you liked it too.

    Aparajita @Le' Grande Codex


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