
I havent really blogged much lately, and Im sorry about that. 
So I figured I would do a quick recap post.

I havent been reading as much as I had been. Though I did read Requiem and Everbound.

Requiem (Delirium #3) by Lauren Oliver was...ok. I wasnt really impressed with the ending to the series. Maybe my expectations were too high, I dont know, but I wanted something more epic.

Everbound (Everneath #2) by Brodi Ashton was EPIC!!! It was 5+ stars!!! Amazing in every single way! Loved all of it!

Other than that, Ive just been writing. Im working on a new YA Paranormal Romance book, the first in a 5 book series. I havent actally come up with a title for the book yet, but the series is called The Empyrean Chronicles. 

The first book follows Lilly, a 16 year old, who comes home one day to find her parents murdered. she then finds out that she is a fairy, and it was a group of fairies that killed her parents. She teams up with Alec, a Sylph Fairy, that vows to help her find the murderers.

They travel to the Empyrean (Land of the Fae) to go in search of them, but find so much more than they expected. Romance, action, and epic world building make this story so much more than the everyday normal YA paranormal romance novel! :)

So... Thats where Im at right now.

Next Monday I start school (still dont have a job since being laid off with 1800 other employees-including my husband. But Thankfully, my hubs DID just get a job! YAY)

And... Thats all.

Ill try to post more often, but I cant make any promises!


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