Queen of Zombie Hearts

20579287Title: Queen of Zombie Hearts
Author: Gena Showalter

I thought I had nothing left to give. I thought wrong. They started the war. Now I will end it.

In the stunning conclusion to the wildly popular White Rabbit Chronicles, Alice "Ali" Bell thinks the worst is behind her... until Anima Industries, the agency controlling the zombies, launches a zneak attack, killing four of her friends. It's then she realises only the worst has only begun.

As the surviving slayers prepare for war, Ali discovers she, too, can control the zombies... and she isn't the girl she thought she was. She's connected to the woman responsible for killing — and turning — her boyfriend's mother. How can their relationship endure? As secrets come to light, and more slayers are taken or killed, Ali will fight harder than ever to bring down Anima — even sacrificing her own life for those she loves.


So... this book was good. A  lot of times the end of a series doesnt live up to my expectations. It doesnt answer enough question, and doesnt leave me feeling satisfied with the conclusion.
I did not have that issue with this book.
However, it still isnt my favorite ever.

Ali is still awesome, and significantly better than she was in book 2 (with the wishy-washy romance and zombie alice trying to take over). She is so much more assertive by the end of this series, compared to the beginning, that I really like her.
The romance between her and Cole, while still having some (new) drama, was so much better than the 2nd book also.

That being said, I feel like their romance (at least some aspects of it) are way too old for a YA book. Sex is in YA, because teens have sex. I get it. But the whole spanking joke... ugh. Also- this is pretty much the only aspect of Cole that I dont like. While I get it, he's used to being in control, and while Ali still resists his super, ultra controllingness, it got so old hearing him always trying to control her.

the plot was solid- though the emergence of Helen was... unnecessary, and not my favorite.
The loss of life in this book was high, though only 1 of them actually affected my emotions. the others were...unimportant.

But really, this was an awesome series.
Satisfying end.
i dont plan on reading the newest book with Frosty's POV- because I liked Frosty in these books and I feel like he'll change way too much.

*Spoiler*- highlight the text to read:
Frosty and Kat were perfect. And I know that he falls for someone in the new book. And I just dont want that. Yes I want Frosty to be happy. But not so soon after the love of his life dies. So yeah, not gonna read it.

anyways- 4 stars


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