The Power by JLA- Review

The Power (Titan, #2)

So, The Power by Jennifer L Armentrout was just released a few days ago.
In preparation for the release, I reread The Return, which made me fall for Josie and Seth all over again.

So, some back story real fast. I love the Covenant Series. Its my favorite series by JLA, even more than Daemon and Katy in the Lux series. I love Alex and Aiden so hard its totally not even funny.

So, when The Titan series came out focusing on Seth, I was... well I had mixed feelings.
On the one hand, YAY this world with Alex and aiden will be expanding. But on the other...Ugh. Seth.

He is not, and has never been my favorite character.
He's an addict and an ass 85% of the time. And killed a lot of people.
And sadly, I felt very little sympathy for him, despite his past and all the wrongs done to him.

So, The Return made me seriously not hate Seth, and helped me to understand him even more. And I even kinda liked him. ;)

Now though, after reading the Return, ,I still cant decide if I truly like this guy.
He's so damn frustrating. And while, I know that deep down he has this pure heart of awesome, I just cant seem to make myself truly like him. He makes too many bad decisions.

Anyways. I do want him to understand that he's worthy of love. Thats he's made up for all the shit he did by offering his life AND death in servitude. And I want him and Josie to have a happily ever after. I really do.

Josie is ok.

and maybe... I think I just discovered why I cant make myself love these characters. They arent as good as Alex and aiden. And I know thats not fair. But Aiden was the perfect man. And alex, this super awesome badass.
Seth is in no way perfect. and Josie is not a badass, though she is trying to get there.

Hercules was a joke and annoying.
The romance was super steamy. Seth was sweet and amazing at several spots (when he wasnt an ass or annoying) Deacon and Luke are always good.
The surprise ending, wasnt a surprise, but that didnt detract from the goodness of it all. I like...without adding spoilers...whats happening in the Seth world. And because I have faith in JLA, i know this story will end up just the way i want. Or mostly. With mostly everyone having a HEA.

So, yeah. This book was super amazing. And I wish I didnt have to wait a million years to get the next one.


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