ONE WEEK until POWER is released!

Well, Its ONE WEEK away!!
That’s right!
ONE week until POWER is available to read!! (also, just happens to be one week from my birthday. Haha)
If you haven’t emailed me yet, and I haven’t emailed you yet, about signing up for my Book Tour… we should get that taken care of. I know you want to read my book ;)
So, just email me at and copy and paste my book tour button to your blog! I have about 25 bloggers signed up right now.
I will be having a Giveaway during the Book Tour. There will be 3 different prizes (the third prize will be given away 5 times). So... 7 people will win something! :)

1. Grand Prize will be a signed copy of POWER and a $15 Amazon giftcard.

2. Signed copy of POWER

3. Ebook of POWER. (I will have 5 ebooks to give away)

Dont forget to grab my button, and email me at if you want to be a part of my book tour (or if you want to have a free ARC copy of my book for review!!) Release: Feb 2013!!
POWER, Book Tour


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